Love reading little excerpts from your book! That meditation shed sounds like a great experiment and experience. I may have to try this ;)

Well done on following your heart as you navigate publishing 😍 Will the final copy have English, too?

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Thank you! Camelia Yang is a big fan of vipassana too! I will start translating the English one after publishing the Chinese one, so it might be 2-3 years from now !

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?!?!?! It's so shady for them to be so flip-floppy like that. I'm glad you trusted your gut when it rang so many red blaring alarms.

counter-culture shocks are so wild. it gets me every time.

also thanks for the shout <3 I'm so glad the copy reached you safely!

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Haha i know you can understand!! And yes so happy to have your book!!

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I love the theme here between your present day experience with publishing and your Vipassana mediation! In both cases you are shedding the traditional structure and having faith in yourself to “do the thing”. I completely relate to the fear of tornadoes too, you are so brave! It’s so amazing to read about your transformation.

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Thank you Michelle! And I found out something super wild yesterday. I realized I wrote this part exactly the day when I ended the vipassana two years ago lol

Also I'm glad you are in a place where no more tornado threats are happening!

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哇好開心看到你到最後有聽你的內心!這些等待都是值得的 😄

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